Thank you for sharing this. It let me know that its coming for me…my miracle. I can’t change it (not that I would). I am a mom to three kids with autism (one is also diabetic) and my husband has been disabled for the last decade and I am a singer. I just released my third single yesterday, but this whole miracle feels so slow. But you showed me that it is coming.

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Whatever is meant for you can’t be taken from you ❤️ Thank you for sharing your heart

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Oh, My, Goodness! How fun to open my email tonight and see Anna Lind Thomas in my inbox!! I am honored. :) Thanks for sharing your journey and reinforcing listening to our inner voice. You first came across my path while reading an article that featured an interview you did about your writings and that you had a second book coming soon. That day I ordered your book "I'm Not Ready for This" for my daughter's birthday in March, as your sense of humor reminded me of "our Betsy" and how she approaches life. Little did I know you were already on her radar as she had you scheduled for her book club March 17th. So, the book I ordered and had sent to her In Lincoln for her birthday she assumed was from you for the reading. We got a good laugh out of it once the confusion was cleared. And now I'm even more a fan. Small world stories are the best!

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She told me this sorry and I couldn’t believe it! Small world - and I’m so happy to have found you both ❤️

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